
Ferme Outteaux can be found at 284 Chemin des Outteaux, Les Outteaux, St Jean d’Aulps, 74430, France.

Directions from Geneva airport

From Geneva airport, the easiest route is to follow the signs to France, which takes you on the motorway route. You need a Swiss vignette to do this, which a hire car will have (otherwise you can buy one en route for about 40 SFR). You go on the A411, pass through the Customs point and join the A40 in the direction of Chamonix Mont Blanc, leave the A40 at Cluses (j18), following signs to Morzine/Avoriaz on the route 902. You go through Cluses (it feels like you go a little bit around the houses…) but then you head up into Taninges, then on through Les Gets and Morzine, and then to St Jean d’Aulps (signposted for Thonon on the outskirts of Morzine), following the D902 all the way.

Once you get into St Jean d’Aulps you will get into the heart of the village, and pass the National Bar on the right, then the church. Immediately after the church turn right up a tiny road (opposite the Tabac) – Route de l’Abbaye. Go up here, then when the road forks after about 600m, take the right fork. After 50m turn sharp right, at a water trough. At the next fork go left and go over a bridge (the rubbish station is here). Follow the lane up the hill for approx. 600m. You go round a left hand hairpin bend then before you start turning right you will see a sign for Les Outteaux right in front of you. It’s also shown as a No Through Road. Take this turn (straight on actually) and it will take you into our hamlet in about 70m.

Our house is the 4th house on the right and has a sign for ‘Ferme Outteaux, Hodgson’ on the wall as you approach, near the mailbox. There’s parking right in front of the house and just round the side – we have space for at 4 cars (3 in front on the RH side of the parking as you look at it from the house, one round the house to the right). If you follow the lane down you’ll find a turning circle after about 50m, which can be handy.

Coming into St Jean from the Thonon direction, you come into the village, passing the sign to the Abbey and the Roc d’Escalade on the left. You turn left opposite the Tabac, just before the church, and follow instructions as above.

Driving through Geneva itself is really complicated, as the road system is a bit of a nightmare, and there is no bypass, so if you do that, a phone app is probably a good idea. Head to Thonon, and then follow the signs towards Morzine/Les Gets/Portes de Soleil ski stations, again on the 902.